International Celebrate Bisexuality Day - September 23rd, 2024

International Celebrate Bisexuality Day - September 23rd, 2024

September 23rd, 2024, is just around the corner, and you know what that means... it's time to celebrate International Celebrate Bisexuality Day!

This amazing holiday has been around since 1999, and it's a day to recognize and celebrate the bisexual community, while also spreading awareness about the unique challenges bi people face. The founders, Wendy Curry, Michael Page, and Gigi Raven Wilbur, wanted to create a day that would give bisexuals a sense of pride and visibility, and boy, have they succeeded!

Historical Background

Did you know that bisexuality has been around for centuries? Yep, it's not a new phenomenon! From ancient Greece to modern times, bisexuality has been a part of human history. Unfortunately, due to marginalization and erasure, bisexuals have often been forced to hide their true identities. But in the 1970s and 1980s, the modern bisexual movement began to take shape, with activists like Fritz Klein and Robyn Ochs fighting for bisexual rights.

The first bisexual conference was held in 1990, and it was a huge success. The conference paved the way for more bisexual organizations and events, and eventually, led to the creation of International Celebrate Bisexuality Day in 1999.


So, how do people celebrate this amazing holiday? Well, there are no set traditions, but over the years, some awesome customs have developed. One popular way to celebrate is by flying the bisexual flag, which consists of three horizontal stripes: pink, purple, and blue. The flag was designed by Michael Page in 1998, and it's a powerful symbol of bisexual pride.

Many people also use this day to educate others about bisexuality, bisexual history, and the challenges bisexuals face. You'll often see people sharing articles, videos, and personal stories on social media, using hashtags like #BiVisibility and #CelebrateBisexualityDay.

Another fun way to celebrate is by attending bisexual events, such as rallies, parties, and workshops. These events provide a safe space for bisexuals to connect, share their experiences, and have a blast.

How to Celebrate

So, you want to join in on the fun? Here are some ways to celebrate:

  • Fly the bisexual flag: Show your support and pride by flying the bisexual flag at home, in your office, or even on your social media profiles.
  • Share your story: If you're bisexual, share your experiences, struggles, and triumphs with others. Your voice matters!
  • Educate yourself and others: Take some time to learn about bisexual history, challenges, and triumphs. Share what you've learned with others to help spread awareness and acceptance.
  • Attend an event: Look for local bisexual events, rallies, or parties in your area. If you can't find one, consider hosting your own event!
  • Use social media: Share your support and pride on social media using hashtags like #BiVisibility and #CelebrateBisexualityDay. You can also share bisexual-themed posts, articles, and videos.

Remember, International Celebrate Bisexuality Day is all about embracing and celebrating bisexuality in all its forms. So, let's come together to create a world where bisexuals can live their truth without fear of judgment, rejection, or marginalization.

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